How to Cure a Halloween Hangover

If you are a fan of Halloween, you probably have big plans this weekend. And with all the Halloween parties, specials, and festivities you are keenly awaiting, you will likely be indulging in more way than one. Whether it’s from too much sugar, too much booze, or a combination of both, waking up the morning after Halloween feeling sluggish is never fun. But don’t let the fear of next-day malaise turn you off from celebrating this weekend!

Continue reading to learn how to cure a Halloween hangover in no time at all.

Halloween Specials Downtown Indianapolis
Halloween Specials Downtown Indianapolis 317-822-5070

Hungover After Too Much Halloween Fun? Try These Remedies

🥤 Reach for the Water

Water is your best friend today. Although you should try to drink a lot of water every day of your life, when you are feeling ill from a food or alcohol hangover, you need even more. The general rule of thumb is to drink at least 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight. Typically, this averages out to be about 8 ounces, but since every human body is different, the water-to-weight ratio is more accurate. If you are a coffee or tea drinker in the morning, limit your intake to one cup. Too much caffeine can worsen hangover symptoms.

Why is water so helpful for a hangover?

Well, when you are hungover from alcohol, your body is dehydrated. This is just a common symptom of alcohol consumption, whether you have one drink or five. Replenishing the body’s water reserves will minimize headaches, body aches, fatigue, and more. It will also get your body’s internal systems working optimally, which will detox you faster and get rid of any lingering mental fog. If you are hungover from too much sugar or food, water will help with digestion issues, and flush the contents of your bowels quicker.

🍳 Eat Something Healthy

If you are hungover from overeating, whether sugar or food, get your body back on track by eating something healthy. Although you might feel like you shouldn’t eat at all after eating so much, fasting can worsen any residual stomach or digestion issues. Choose a healthy meal to counter the greasy, salty, or sugary delights you had the night before. Focus on half your plate being a lean protein, like grilled fish or chicken, and other half clean vegetables. Add a garden salad on top of that and you are really going to notice the impact on how you feel.

Now, if you have a hangover from too much drinking, then just focus on getting some food in your stomach. Sometimes, a hangover can make you feel so ill, you don’t want to eat, but you must if you want to feel better, sooner. And although it is recommended to still eat healthy when hungover, the reality is, greasy or comfort food is what we all want. Just be sure to follow up your next meal with something healthier.

💊 Take Some Medicine

Over-the-counter headache medicines and pain killers are also your friend when suffering from a hangover from alcohol. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and patiently await the relief. If you are hungover from too much food or sugar, consider anti-diarrheal medicine, gas pills, antacids, or even stool softeners to help ease symptoms of boating, diarrhea, or constipation. Be sure to consult with your primary doctor before mixing medications or taking them for the first time.

The Place to Come Celebrate Halloween in Downtown Indianapolis

English Ivy’s is open this Halloween weekend, Friday through Sunday from 5PM to Midnight!

Call 317-822-5070 to ask about our dinner and drink specials we are offering this Halloween. We serve a full lunch, dinner, and late night menu, and even brunch on Sundays! From icy cocktails and beers, to an assortment of wines, liquors, shots, and everything in between, you will find exactly what your taste buds crave this Halloween weekend at our exclusive Downtown Indianapolis bar and restaurant! Find out more about our upcoming events and announcements on our Facebook page!
